Pileus Bad Trip

Embark on a journey, understand what is happening and save your brother, on the way you will meet many opponents and dangers that you have to deal with
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Greblov's notes

  • Изображение
    It was an unremarkable gloomy day, nothing interesting again in our calm town of Gribovets, so I went to the local library to read the old story about Mr. Gribson.

    "Subsequently, a visit to the library by Rowing will serve as the beginning of one long and entertaining story"
  • Изображение
    Strange rumors, constant fear in the eyes of those living outside the city. Entire villages are disappearing. And if no one dares to hire me, I myself will take up the matter.

    "Greblov's dedication always seemed to play into the hands of the detective
    . But not this time."
  • Изображение
    But once Gribovets was completely different. I remember this city as a real treasure of the forest. But now... The corrupt mayor, the police, who don't care about anything but their wallets, they turned Gribovets into a dump.

    Having lived all his life in Gribovets, Greblov painfully experienced the decline of the great forest city"
  • Изображение
    Michael Gribson came into town last week. I was lucky to see him talking to the mayor at the city gates. Something about strange insects that scare Mr. Gribson's pets.

    "Greblov was not the only one who felt the approach of trouble, but he alone decided to act"


    Pileus Bad Trip: 1.1.43
    New update released
    Pileus Bad Trip: 1.1.22
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    A little charity
    Another old man scam?
    How did the outskirts of the city change under Mukhomorych?
    But no way
    Well, is there anywhere to drink?
    How the sewerage system was transformed under Mukhomorych
    After a series of reforms, not only waste was dumped there, but also garbage was thrown out
    See what happened to the mayor
    Small Fungi
    Village brochure
    Disliked by the Mayor
    A variety of personalities are kept in the Gribovets prison: who knows, perhaps there may be innocent people here...
    Read the list of prisoners
    Нет результатов, уточните запрос
    Need help with the game my young friend? Then go to the game tips page
    We present our version of Telegram localization according to Mayor Gribovets
    Next update: 04.2024

    New DLC
    New mechanic
    Developer: Foxide
    Game state: Active project support

    Version: 1.1.43

    Feedback from our players

    Serzh Cooper
    Cупер, я рад что на Сахалине есть такие ребята. Желаю Вам успехов в дальнейших проектах.
    Tenshihiko Arai
    Вы будете ненавидеть разработчика, но так и должно быть :)
    Gabca Czech Hraje
    Pěkná hra Doporučuji všem 👍
    Максимально цікава і крута гра, є складні моменти. Найбільше складностей викликало керування. Іноді не спрацьовують кнопки, іноді спрацьовують більше, ніж потрібно. Але контент топ